Friday, March 28, 2008

wiki wiki ...

I found the wiki world to be very interesting - so many uses for them! I think a wiki would be a good way for a rural book club to communicate with one another, a bit like an email book chain.

Our branch libraries are quite distant and an 'invite only' wiki would be a good way to communicate especially with the calendar added to it - would save some of the double bookings we get.

I liked the Princetown PL wiki - when we held a summer reading club we were swamped with paper reviews - the wiki would be a good way to organise/publish them.

Hove to say I looked at the Wookieepedia - but you would have to be a committed Star Wars fan to understand it!!!

Anyway that's my bit for this week in the virtual world -- back to work.

1 comment:

pls@slnsw said...

That is a good idea to use a wiki for a book club - it could be a great way to encourage discussion. You could start off the first session in the library for people who have never used wikis, but then it could be totally online. Let me know if you get this happening.
