Friday, May 16, 2008

back on track

Well here I am back in the virtual world (with only a few days to go to finish the course) after spending the last few weeks acting as Community Services Manager.

Youtube and Google Video - you could spend all day watching the mostly weird and occasionally good videos that are out there. I guess if you've put time and effort into filming something this is probably the only way getting it shared amongst people at no cost.

I can see that it could have uses in the library - Mosman Library records their author talks - and I think that's a good use. I also like the idea of staff oreintation videos (you could make it fun) and using Youtube for library guides. I think the video clips would have to be well filmed and planned which could be a bit time consuming and need professional expertise- but you would be able to have exposure to a larger audience and at their leisure.

I Love watching the Carnivals when I am home in Somerset so could not resist this video.

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